Thursday, March 28, 2013

Maundy Thursday

I took the girls to a Maundy Thursday service tonight - we went to the church we took Mama T. to... mainly b/c I know what to expect, it's close by, and I know how long it will last (since I'm bringing the kids past their bedtime).

It was a beautiful service - a good message on what it means that Jesus washed the disciple's feet, communion, beautiful music, beautiful prayers.

When I went 2 years ago with Mama T., the service opened with the song "Just Breathe". It moved me to tears.  Tonight, it was a blessing to me to hear it again. (i was not familiar with this song prior to that service)

And then, to top it off, the service closed with the hymn "what wondrous love is this" - I knew this song as a bluegrass hymn that I put on a bedtime CD for the girls. Even tho' we heard the regular version, they both recognized it right away.

I normally play my violin at church, and am not standing with the girls during worship. It blessed my heart tonight to stand with them and hear their sweet voices singing.

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