Sunday, April 14, 2013


I had the opportunity yesterday to hang out with two wonderful people.  Back in the Fall, I saw "A" for the first time in 10 years.  We've been hanging out about once a month as our schedules allow, and it is a wonderful thing.  "K" was my first roommate in college.  It had been about 15 years since I had seen her!  We had a great time laughing, reminiscing, and learning new things about each other. (I went to high school and college with both K and A, and was roommates with them at different times)

I was also forced to do crafts.

A is a librarian. Her library offered a card making class. Do you know me? You know I don't do crafts... but I do try to be willing to try new things.

The person in charge explains everything. I lean over to A and say "this isn't card-making, it's scrap-booking!"  Oh the horrors. There were stamps and inks and punch out things and oodles of card stock...also ribbons...and RHINESTONES.

I do have lots of friends who like to go on scrap-booking scrap-booking for 48 hours. OMG.  I get the hanging out and the fun part of it...but so much crafting *shudder*

The person in charge had tidy packets put together to make 5 different cards (I did 4). There were printed instructions with pictures and words. There were 2 people walking around helping. With all that, I was in fact able to produce 4 lovely cards. Are they perfect? No. Are they better than anything else I've ever done craft-wise? YES!

So no, I'm not holding it against A for forcing me to craft in my free time. Haha. I suppose I can thank her for making me a better person in the long run ;)

And most importantly, amidst the crafting, there was laughter and fun.

I look forward to more visits with these lovely ladies.

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