Thursday, March 21, 2013

Due Date

T-minus 1 day to gallbladder surgery. It's not quite as exciting as having a baby I'm afraid.

The last time I had surgery was the c-section, and that was a pretty big deal. In comparison, this is not a big deal at all.

I'm not even that worried about the surgery itself, but there is something about general anesthesia that kind of freaks me out.

I've perhaps been bordering on the morose..."what if i die?" kind of stuff... which led me to write something for the girls to read in case I die... you know, like the stuff I want them to know in life, and stuff about sex and their bodies, and what kind of people I want them to be.

I've saved it as a file on my computer - b/c really, we never know when we're going to die, and I told Steve it's there...and I also told him he's not allowed to read it unless I'm dead b/c I'd be too embarrassed. :)

So as I'm working on this letter to the girls, I'm really forced to examine the question

"what do I want to pass on to my children?"

and also

"am I already doing these things?"

so in that sense I think it was a very worthwhile exercise... to stop and reflect on what lessons I want to pass on, and to examine how effectively i'm passing those lessons on.

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