Thursday, September 1, 2011

Another First

Wow, i'm really on a roll with all these firsts... sharing my opinions more openly, practicing for a fiddling contest....and...


getting a tattoo.


So here's a picture of the artwork i'm getting (and let's assume that there's a copyright on this, since it was done by an artist, and it's not my work, etc) ... this will be done by ivan, our artist friend from church. he designed the above picture based on some things i said - which is awesome, b/c i knew what i wanted it to represent, but didn't have a visual of it.

and i'm showing you a picture of the artwork here b/c i'll be getting it on my stomach (or side-ish torso area), and the world doesn't need a photo of that... ;)

so obviously you have the representation of the two kids - how convenient that they are named after plants, and the rest, as written out by the artist is:

"The canopy is split in four representing the growth in each of your lives. The trunk splits into four but are joined as one representing the strength you have in each other and God. The tree and rose are joined because those girls will always be a part of each other. The birds are your miscarriages. Even though they are gone physically you will always feel them. Free spirits flying in heaven. They began nested in you."

in a week and 2 days people...holy moly! i'm a little skeeved about the pain part. i'm not known for my heroic efforts in the realm of physicality...i was starting to get a lot of anxiety about the pain...and then my beloved pointed out that we watch L.A. Ink, and the people getting tattoos aren't screaming and crying, they're carrying on conversations while getting "inked".

good point. i relaxed a bit after that. haha.

i'm really excited about this. if you had told me a year ago i'd be doing this, i would have laughed...oh how i would have laughed. and i won't say God told me to get a tattoo...but i did feel a stirring in my spirit that this was something i wanted to do. so there.

and i'm not out to convince anyone that it's religiously right or wrong to get a tattoo...but i did talk at length with christians that i trust and respect about the biblical-ness of getting one, and obviously we're all ok with it :)  but if you're not ok with it, then (a) don't get one for yourself and (b) i won't ever show mine to you (which i probably wouldn't anyway...since it's on my stomach..refer to above point about the world not needing to see that)

i'm very excited about this. hooray!

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