Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Crock Pot Sort-of-Chili

So we had all that leftover brisket...it was divided, bagged, and frozen.

Now what to do with all that...

Tonight I made a sort of chili. I think it turned out very tasty, so I'm going to share my method with you. Also, I'm bored and have nothing more meaningful to say. It's been a long day. One of "those" days.

(and since it's Gymnastics Tuesday, I had to do a crock pot meal that would be ready to go when we got home)

and...remember how i froze the whole tomatoes? (b/c how could you forget such exciting information) - i put a bag of about 5 frozen tomatoes in the fridge yesterday to thaw...and like the web site i consulted, they did indeed peel easily when thawed - there was only a piece that didn't want to come off, and luckily i served myself that piece of tomato skin tonight, so all in all not too bad.

so here we go:

*peel and quarter about 5 large tomatoes - dump into crock pot
*chop cooked brisket - dump into crock pot
*finely chop 1 yellow onion - dump into crock pot
*grate on a microplane 2 cloves of garlic - dump into crock pot
*pour in some beef stock (i had some organic beef stock that i had got on clearance at target of all                  places)
"how much should i pour in?"
*put in some cumin and chili powder. i don't how much. enough. smell it. taste it...don't add too much, b/c you can always go back and add more
*i also snuck in one of my frozen shredded yellow squash servings - you couldn't even notice it
*a little salt (b/c i used the organic stuff, which wasn't salty...if you use bouillion, don't add extra salt)

i cooked it on low all day - like 10 hours - occasionally i stirred it to break down the tomatoes more...at one point, i tasted the broth and added a little more cumin

towards the time for me to leave for gymnastics, i made a slurry with the broth and cornstarch, and stirred it in.

tonight, this "chili" was served over rice and garnished with cheese and cilantro.   i think steve added some red pepper to make his spicy

there is a lot left over, and i will be using the homemade corn tortillas procured from our produce stand to make an enchilada casserole for dinner tomorrow. 

this turned out very delicious. (now i'll pat myself on the back)

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