Friday, September 9, 2011

The Freezer

We have a stand-up full size freezer in the garage. I love this thing. So much. It was a definite bonus when moving into our no-longer-new family situation.

For some reason, it is much easier to keep this freezer organized than the one in the house...which I just cleaned out...and found frozen veggies from a year ago....blech.

I like to buy yesterday's produce at our produce store - super super cheap -but also super super ripe. Which means I have to do something with it right away.

And currently, I have no interest in learning how to can. It sounds like too much work, and I have no one to share in the joy with me on this one...maybe my kids can learn how to do it, and just do it themselves when they get older. "you girls did a great job this week with your attitude! guess what! you get to can!together! without mommy!"  i can just hear their cheers of delight...

today's bounty:
* lots o' tomatoes - i froze them whole, and will occasionally throw one in the crockpot i think.
* lots o' yellow squash - i grated ALL of it (don't feel too sorry, i used the food processor) and froze it in about 1 cup batches so i can use it in something...probably spaghetti sauce or try like a squash bread (which for some reason sounds so much grosser than zuchinni bread, which we all know is tasty, but we'll see)
* lots o' peaches - i pureed some and chopped others up. i can't find my ice cube trays anywhere, but the plan is to use this in my breakfast smoothies
* cantaloupe, strawberries, grapes -  not frozen, but if they get too ripe before we're done with them, i'll just puree them up and freeze them for my smoothies.

i also roasted 3 chkn breasts with skin and bones - i just used olive oil, coarse salt, pepper, and a little poultry seasoning - then after cooling, removed the meat into portions. hooray!

i still need to think of varied ideas for all that brisket we have left - 2 hunks are raw and frozen, to be used in the crockpot at some future date. still have lots that is already cooked and frozen... so far we have done tacos, sandwiches, and just a serving of meat (which we actually don't do that much b/c i like to stretch the meat as far as i can)...i'm thinking enchiladas and chili might be good ways to use it, but if you've got any other suggestions, i'm all eyes.

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