Saturday, January 26, 2013

Kids in Tow

I have lots of friends with lots of kids, and I hear the stories about comments people make, or the looks they get.

Just FYI - they're not making it up.

I'm babysitting a couple of kids today.  The ages are such that people could see us together, and it would not be inconceivable that they all belong to me.

It was my first time grocery shopping with 4 kids... almost 8, 6 1/2, 5 1/2, and 18 months.

The kids did great. Let's just say we reviewed the rules a lot before going in public :)

We go to Kroger. I see lots of glances my way. That's cool. I've got a lot of kids with me. Sure, there's some noise level going on, but they're cute and all holding hands and following me around.  I'm feeling good.

We're in line, and an old white lady (yes, that detail is important to my story) is behind us. She smiles at me, "are they all yours?"

I reply no, I'm babysitting some of them.

"oh, that's too bad. I was going to congratulate on doing your part. You know we're just not replenishing ourselves like we used to, and you know, in 20 years, it's ALL going to be different" and gives me a knowing glance. case you didn't catch it, she was disappointed I hadn't had all the kids myself and done my part to continue the whites...

Oh well. I smiled and thanked her. Because really, what was I going to do.

Then, while in the same line, the old lady who is the cashier asks me if they're all mine...we go through the same thing again...then she tells me this really long story about shopping at Lowe's with little kids like 100 years ago (based on her age)... and ends it with looking at the one kid and saying "kids, what are they good for" all exasperated.

I smile and say "haha, good thing they're cute right"...b/c really, what do you say to that... and as we walk away, the kid i'm babysitting turns back and loudly says "well, SOMETIMES we Are helpful!"

Awesome! You tell her kid! I laughed - take that rude people!

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