Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gamma Rays!

i survived my scans.

first was the ultrasound. i had the same tech as i did this summer - nice lady. she had a student tech in with her, and she kept talking about how i was such a great patient b/c you could really see my innards. :) when she finished the exam, she called nuclear medicine to see if they were ready, and they weren't, so she asked if the student could practice on me. i said sure (i mean, why not, not like i have anywhere to go) - they were so appreciative and kept complimenting my innards. haha.

then i had to wait awhile for the next scan.

the first hour of the next scan (the high-res one) was as i understand getting a baseline of my innardas. then via an IV, she injected a radioactive tracer, and then the hormone that makes the gallbladder contract.  the 2nd hour was laying there having the gallbladder contract. the most pain i felt was honestly in my back from laying there. it was EXCRUCIATING. i mentioned it, and she did give me a bigger knee pillow. i was laying under a machine called a gamma camera or gamma ray camera - kind of like an MRI machine set up.  i watched tv for awhile, took a nap, then she put on a pandora station for me to listen to. very nice lady. during the 2nd hour, i did have one of my pains - and it was interesting b/c i've always thought of it as a stomach pain that i get, but it was my gallbladder. so that's interesting to know.

i asked her if she was able to tell me anything afterwards and she said no - i said "b/c you don't know or you're not allowed to?" and she said b/c she's not allowed to. so i have to wait to talk to the doctor. my follow up is in 2 weeks, but i may call friday to see if they have the results.

on the one hand, i did expect to have more pain, but on the other hand, my back hurt so bad - who knows. i have a suspicion that it will come back as normal, which is great - but also discouraging b/c i don't think there's anything left to check.

so that was my morning. all in all not too bad. the people at the hospital are very nice, and i always have a nice experience when i'm there.

but i can't hug or cuddle the girls for the next 24 hours...b/c i'm radioactive.

(ok, maybe i'm overstating that just a bit)

and no, i don't have any *new* super powers ;)


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