Thursday, December 13, 2012


We're trying out Greenling and so far I love it.  They include recipe ideas, etc... and it forces me to use produce I may not otherwise think about buying.

In related news, eating gluten and dairy free can be tasty, but I haven't really been exploring recipes recently b/c of being I took today's lunch as my time to cook something for myself.

Sweet Potato soup and Corn bread


For the soup -
Caramelize 1 onion in a soup pot. Add sweet potatoes (I used 3) and whatever else (I added a turnip b/c I had one). Add water to cover and boil.  I went ahead and threw in a bouillon cube for a little flavor b/c I didn't have any stock on hand.  Boil.  When tender, use immersion blender (or whatever you want) to make it smooth. I added some chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. When I served myself, I garnished it with a diced green garlic from my produce bin. Yum!

Here is the recipe I used for the cornbread. Very tasty - I had mine with a little coconut oil and honey.  I used regular corn meal, so I only used 1 cup of milk instead of the 2 called for in the recipe.

Hooray for feeling like I had a decent tasty and fulfilling meal.

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