Saturday, December 22, 2012

10 Glorious Years

Yesterday was our 10th wedding anniversary. (or as my beloved said, "an eternity")

Hooray for us!

2 kids, 2 miscarriages, 2 birds, 3 cats, 2 hamsters, being a caregiver for a family member, and moves around the country.


The girls were very excited when I explained earlier in the week that yesterday would be our anniversary. I think I said something about how it was to remember when we got married, and that it was romantic. (mainly b/c they think it's funny when we talk about being romantic)

W drew us a very sweet picture and left a scavenger hunt to find it and a necklace that R made.

R also wrote out 3 little notes that I want to share here for posterity. (i've corrected the spelling so we can all read it, although she did a great job of sounding out the words)

1. anniversary is about loving your family
2. anniversary is about love
3. love your honey

I told her that I thought her notes were very sweet, and she said something along the lines of "it's right isn't it?"

Haha. I love it. She nailed it on the head.

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