Friday, April 27, 2012

Birthday Party

Earlier in the week, I was having a blah kind of evening. It was after dinner. The girls were playing outside. I was resting and being a couch potato (or a bed potato? since I was in my room watching TV - whatever).

Rose came in with a small beach ball. "Mommy, tie a ribbon on this"

Ok. Whatever.

Then, they both walk by the room calling out, "hey Mommy, come outside with us!"

I said no, I was resting, they headed on outside and played for awhile.

I thought of something to tell Steve, so I went to the garage to tell him. I mention that I've just noticed that the girls have taken a lot of toys outside.

"They're throwing you a birthday party"

Oh. Whoops. Parent fail.

So I go outside, and they've set up a ring of chairs and doll chairs, with dolls and stuffed animals sitting in the circle.  In the middle is our little outdoor side table covered in leaves and white rocks with a little owl sitting on it. (like a nest) Around the  little table is a circle of leaves and white rocks.

The beach ball is tied to a basket. It's the birthday "balloon".

So I sit down to enjoy my birthday party. They play their Tinkerbell music box thing for me, and then Willow runs to get Steve...b/c they want us to slow dance to the Tinkerbell music so we can be romantic. (or whoa-mantic as the one kid pronounces it)

So we slow dance to Tinkerbell music, and then have a smooch for their benefit :) Haha.

Needless to say, my heart was full.

It was also one of the only times all week when they weren't fighting with each other - they just need more common goals i guess ;)

1 comment:

  1. oh, that is so sweet. whoa-mantic is the best ever. I don't even know if my kids know that one, ha ha ha. happy birthday!
