Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Birthday

Yes, it's that time of year once again.  My birthday. Weee.

We're going out tonight for dinner, so that will be fun. Nothing particularly special today, lesson, visit at the facility with GM, errands, lunch with the kid at school, lunch for me from Chik-fil-a (yum), be a bum...clean house b/c we're hosting group class in the morning...errands, pick the kid up from school...resting again...

I do plan on doing something self-centered tomorrow. The Japanese Garden in FW is having a thing, and I'd love to go to that...but it might be hot (commence whining)...or I may just go shopping with my bday money :) haha.

In honor of my birthday, I weighed myself, and I am officially (for today at least) 20 pounds less than when we left PA 3 years ago. Crazy.  But that was a nice little know, since I'm an old woman in my mid-30's now. Haha.

Some plans in the works for me for this summer...looks like I'll be teaching again...interesting how things come about, how they steamroll, and where they lead, only God knows. And then to think that it's been 9 years since I taught in school. How am I that old??? AAAAAAHHHHH.  Been going through a lot of feelings this week in regards to recognizing abilities, bla bla bla, how do I want to define myself, where is my passion...still working on it, but possibly, and i say POSSIBLY, maybe allowing that teaching music MIGHT be where I'm willing to go gung-ho...and not just b/c I can or it's what I do well, but b/c I have a desire to do it.

Now, I'm not meaning in the naval-gazing-woe-is-me-1st-world-problems-get-a-job-already type stuff, but like really, what do I want to do as I look at the girls getting older, etc...

I definitely still want to be the "stay at home" mom, but when they are both in school, what are my options for private teaching during the day? exploring that. how much time do i want to commit to teaching after school when the kids are finally home...where are the boundaries...i want to be able to help them with homework, help them practice, be able to make dinner, etc...

So that's where I'm at with that, just contemplating the possibilities...praying too...

So it will be interesting to see what doors are opened and what doors are shut.

You know, for awhile, i thought maybe I'd want to pursue something in the medical field (orderly, aide, whatever)...but I kind of feel like that itch has been scratched, and to a moderate degree, I'm still doing that.

So yes, happy birthday to me :)

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