Saturday, August 31, 2013


I came across this blog entry, and it really put into words what I've felt in regards to eating with others, going out to eat, etc... It's something I really enjoy doing, but something that feels like such a high-maintenance challenge with my food avoidances.

It's been a year, or a little more, now since going gluten and dairy free. I'm also finding that potatoes are a once in a while food for me, and that eggs may be causing some issues as well.  Grr.

It may seem silly... but having a dog is helping. I can worry about her issues instead of my own ;)  Over the summer, I had to particular episodes of anxiety/panic that upon reflection when I was calm, were both related to food issues.

I've read that when you eliminate problem foods, that often they can be introduced back into the diet after allowing your gut to heal.  It's possible that I may be able to do this at some point. It's possible I could try it now... but the reality for me is that the thought of doing it at this point causes me anxiety.

So for now, it continues. Hooray.

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