Thursday, August 23, 2012

Final Countdown

Just a few more days until school starts. Weeeee!

Tonight is Meet the Teacher.  We got the official calls on Tuesday, and I am thrilled with who both girls have for this next year. Hooray!

Last night, I checked in with R because I heard her crying. I assumed the kids were fighting, so with some exasperation in my voice, I asked what was wrong.

"I just want to know what Tiger used to look like because I can't remember"...Waaaaaah.

Tiger is her beloved stuffy.  She still has him.  She has loved him into an unrecognizable lump of his former self.  Why in the world this came up I have no idea. She was heartbroken.

I told her I didn't have any pictures, and she finally calmed down.

Later last night, I spent at least an hour looking not only through all her blog posts from her first 2 years (and only 1 tiger picture to be found in the whole lot), but also searching online to figure out what the brand name was, etc... to see if i could find a good picture of the animal.  Zero luck. Grr.

Other than the emotional traumas of growing up, things are going well. We've spent this last week practicing the new earlier bed time and the new morning routines. How fun to wake up at 6am. Needless to say, I have not been going to bed early. Oh well.

Bags and such are labeled. New clothes are sorted and hung up.  New socks put in the drawer.

We're ready to go!

(check back in on Monday for the "how much did i cry" update)

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