Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Road From Over-Consumption

So awhile back, I started using this website to track my calories.

Tracking calories is not fun. It is very tedious work...especially since I cook most of our food from scratch...

I'm not even worrying about other health issues, like fat or what vitamins I'm getting...just the calories.

On, I have it set to consume the calories that would allow me to lose 1 lb. a week..

Surprisingly, that's very doable.

not surprisingly, I like to eat large portions many times through the day. it's an adjustment...pasta and rice are figuring less in my daily diet than before, which has been kind of hard...

It's been an interesting journey - like, I can eat all the veggies I want until i feel like puking, or i can have one tiny reese's peanut butter cup :)

It's also more incentive for me to exercise - like, if i exercise, then i "earn" those extra calories (rather than the reverse of, i ate that dessert, now i "have" to exercise)

So far, I've lost about 7 pounds.

Which means that from 3 years ago, when I went to the rhuematologist, I've lost 15 pounds.  That's just crazy to me. Mainly because when i look in the mirror, I still see the same person.  I was happier with my Christmas picture this year though, so i must have lost the weight from my chin. hahaha.

Anyway, that's where I'm at.  I've gotten back into the exercise routine while R is at pre-K.  I of course injured my foot again while running - and even though i really loved it, i may have to accept for now that running is not for me.  Recumbent bicycle it is...

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