Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Ideas

I'm definitely an omnivore. I love veggies and all, but it's hard to imagine life without animal products...I mean, I guess I could go meatless, but it's hard to imagine going butterless, yogurtless, etc...

and I don't have any interest in exploring the virtues of tofu, thank you very much.

anyway, in my perusings, i came across this blog.  now, this is a vegan blog, which seems to focus primarily on desserts...

ok. i'm willing to try.

and really, the reason i'm willing to try is i love the photography of the makes it look so delicious.

so far i've tried fudge babies.  I thought they were delicious.  i actually made mine with hazlenuts, which gave it a definite nutella-ish flavor (and i used them b/c for some reason, i have a ton of them in my freezer)...i think i would like it with the walnuts better, but that'll have to wait.  in the meantime, delicious! i also added a touch of honey b/c my mixture seemed kind of dry - this could be b/c of the less than awesomeness of my food processor.

then i made the chocolate frosting mousse.  it was super delicious, but mine was not thick at all. she talks a lot about the coconut milk, so for my first time out, i'll chalk it up to that. i called it chocolate soup and it was still super delicious.

my last attempt yesterday was the single serving one minute chocolate cake.  i used regular sugar, white flour, and the leftover coconut milk that i had on hand...this was SUPER tasty - i topped it with a little of the chocolate soup i made :) and it was wonderful. WONDERFUL.

i'm looking forward to trying more of these recipes. i know they aren't low in calorie, so i'm not going to go crazy with it, but i do like that the ingredients are so much better than say those in a little debbie snack cake.

here's to chocolate!

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