Monday, September 24, 2012

Experiments in Food

I've recently learned about Spiral Diner, a vegan place in both Dallas and FW...and oh my goodness is it delicious!

I've decided if I were wealthy enough to have a personal chef/nutritionist, I could be vegan.  It still seems like a lot of work to me - especially in the area of getting enough protein (which I've discovered I really need) and also is it a healthy enough overall diet for children...

I'm also not a huge fan of soy or tofu... partially b/c of flavor/taste/texture...but also that whole thing about soy mimicking estrogen thing kind of worries me if i were to begin consuming it en masse.


For awhile, I've wondered about sardines. You know, the kind you get in the tin at the grocery store.

I wonder no more.


I put together what could have been a very tasty dish - involving barley, sardine, avocado, homemade vinaigrette, olives...

took one bite...

spit it out and dumped it in the trash.

I hate wasting food, but I hate feeling like i'm going to throw up that food even more.

Oh well.

I ended up having guacamole, chips, carrots, and ham for lunch. Sort of healthy, less adventurous, but MUCH tastier.

I'm still shuddering over the sardines...

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