Monday, February 6, 2012

Exercise Blehxercise

I have two mornings a week when I really don't have an excuse not to exercise.

Yay. How fun.

As I've mentioned before, I really enjoy the couch to 5k running program, but every time I've tried, I end up hurting the same foot in different ways.  Oh well.

I've also tried both the recumbent bike and the elliptical machine...I found the calorie burn to basically be the same, but more foot issues (and also feeling dizzy issues) on the elliptical...

So basically I've settled on the old lady recumbent bike as my vehicle of torture.

Last week, I set the timer on it for 40 minutes...I reached my 5 miles (at level 6) previously, so last week, once I reached 5 miles (at level 7), I kept going until time was up.  I made it to 8 miles! Holy moly!  I read for some of that, but then finally put the book down, listened to my music, and just pushed through. That's a first for me...  When I got home, I mowed the yard. Super woman!

Today I was prepared. I imported a bunch of CD's, thinking how holy it would be to listen to worship music and think on God  during my exercise time...I set the timer for 60 minutes (!!!).  I pedaled at level 7.


I find I'm bothered if I don't pedal in time to the definitely sets the pace for me.  I learned today that the tempo of the bluegrass I had was TOO fast...but it was still fun.  I actually found some of the Vineyard Hungry CD to be just right - even tho' the song itself was a "slow" one, the actual beat to it was not so much...perfect pace.  But really I just love exercising to Mumford and Sons... I did read for about the first 25 minutes, but the rest was me with my eyes closed...I'm sure I looked crazy to all the old people in there with me :) Haha.

My final total? 1 hour at level 7 and TWELVE miles.

I feel like a rock the sense that I'm worn out and can't move...only not from drug or alcohol abuse...just recumbent bike abuse. haha.  (ok. that was a thin joke...oh well...i'm tired)

Tomorrow is my other "day to exercise b/c i've got nothing better to do during that time" so we'll see. I'm not going to try to repeat today's glory..I plan on taking it a little easier..but I also plan to see what I can do :)

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