Saturday, December 22, 2012

10 Glorious Years

Yesterday was our 10th wedding anniversary. (or as my beloved said, "an eternity")

Hooray for us!

2 kids, 2 miscarriages, 2 birds, 3 cats, 2 hamsters, being a caregiver for a family member, and moves around the country.


The girls were very excited when I explained earlier in the week that yesterday would be our anniversary. I think I said something about how it was to remember when we got married, and that it was romantic. (mainly b/c they think it's funny when we talk about being romantic)

W drew us a very sweet picture and left a scavenger hunt to find it and a necklace that R made.

R also wrote out 3 little notes that I want to share here for posterity. (i've corrected the spelling so we can all read it, although she did a great job of sounding out the words)

1. anniversary is about loving your family
2. anniversary is about love
3. love your honey

I told her that I thought her notes were very sweet, and she said something along the lines of "it's right isn't it?"

Haha. I love it. She nailed it on the head.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


We're trying out Greenling and so far I love it.  They include recipe ideas, etc... and it forces me to use produce I may not otherwise think about buying.

In related news, eating gluten and dairy free can be tasty, but I haven't really been exploring recipes recently b/c of being I took today's lunch as my time to cook something for myself.

Sweet Potato soup and Corn bread


For the soup -
Caramelize 1 onion in a soup pot. Add sweet potatoes (I used 3) and whatever else (I added a turnip b/c I had one). Add water to cover and boil.  I went ahead and threw in a bouillon cube for a little flavor b/c I didn't have any stock on hand.  Boil.  When tender, use immersion blender (or whatever you want) to make it smooth. I added some chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. When I served myself, I garnished it with a diced green garlic from my produce bin. Yum!

Here is the recipe I used for the cornbread. Very tasty - I had mine with a little coconut oil and honey.  I used regular corn meal, so I only used 1 cup of milk instead of the 2 called for in the recipe.

Hooray for feeling like I had a decent tasty and fulfilling meal.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My First Thanksgiving

Well, clearly not my first Thanksgiving ever. This was my first gluten and dairy free Thanksgiving.

I ate food!

I enjoyed it!

I had turkey breast, homemade cranberry sauce (with oranges, cinnamon, and ginger added - thickened with cornstarch), and a delicious sweet potato casserole.  I also had sauteed asparagus (salt, olive oil, lemon juice).

Delicious! Did I miss the rolls? Yes. Did I miss the pumpkin pie? Yes. But I had lots of food to eat and was full and happy at the end.

My dessert was a homemade coconut macaroon - it was my first attempt at these, but tasty nonetheless. And because I could, I had a dollop of cool whip on the side.  Totally over the top, but the cool whip was always my favorite part of the pumpkin pie anyway :)

Here's the recipe for the sweet potatoes.  I got it from a magazine - maybe Everyday Food? Don't remember.

3 large yams/sweet potatoes
Cut them up and boil them.  Drain them.  Add a can or a little less of full fat coconut milk, the zest of a lime, and the lime juice from that lime. Use a hand mixer or a food processor to get it nice and creamy. (This is why you're eyeballing the coconut milk - it's like your milk and butter if you're doing mashed potatoes) Put it in a casserole dish, sprinkle coconut flakes on top and top with mini marshmallows.  Cook 30 minutes or so at 375.  Delicious!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Food and Health

Because you were wondering...

It's been a few weeks of being gluten and dairy free. I notice a significant improvement in my health. I'd say my stomach issues are gone now (rejoice!). I also am noticing a decrease in fatigue. Yay!

Which is good, b/c I'm getting busier!'s all a self-diagnosis. My doctor may be unhappy. It may be a result of the placebo effect.

But I  don't care. I feel so much better.


In honor of our upcoming 10th wedding anniversary, I give you...

us! looking good! (haha)

Telling Jokes

I know I don't tell a lot of kid stories here, but this one is too long for facebook, and I want to preserve it for posterity :)

Kid #1: Why did the strawberry cross the road? Because his mother was in a jam!

we all chuckle mildly.

Kid #2: Why did the blueberry cross the road? Because he wanted to get squished and have juice go everywhere in the street!

um. ok.

Kid #1: Why did the teddy bear not eat dinner? Because he was stuffed!

we all chuckle mildly again

Kid #2: Why did the teddy bear not eat lunch? Because he was fat and ate too much food and he was already full.


Haha. I kid you not, this was the exact conversation in the car tonight.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Food Stuff

I'll spare you the details...but through a series of events and happenings, I decided to try going gluten and dairy free (the realizations came at different times, but it was the end result) because of my issues.

So far so good.  I think I see an improvement in my issues...but time will tell... and the dairy and gluten may not be the root of my problem at all...but if they are, the only way to know for sure is to eliminate them from my diet.

instead of feeling glum at all the things i can't eat (i'm looking at you chicken n' dumplings, pot pie, and pizza) i'm choosing to see it as a challenge and adventure as to what i can eat.

and really, there is still so much to eat. whole foods. some junk food. the thing i need to be careful about is the snacking and the desserts. so i'm discovering new recipes, new things about cooking, and it's interesting (to me).

one thing i've discovered is that i have to be careful about eating raw almonds. almond milk and almond meal seem ok...but if i do both of those and then also eat raw almonds, then i have a reaction.

i'm also trying to avoid the GF products in the grocery store (for the most part).  from what i've read and heard, they're not necessarily healthier, and they can be $$$.

but then i learned that mexican cuisine is largely GF naturally since corn is the hello cheese-less enchiladas!

and it seems that most asian cuisine is GF - if i'm careful about soy sauce (which has wheat in, why?) - but i've got my Bragg's Liquid Aminos, and while it's not exactly the same, it's a good substitute.

So. Bla bla bla. (hey, there's a reason this is called the mundane)

Now i've gone and made myself hungry.

Monday, September 24, 2012


I'm dipping my toes back in the water of being employed outside the home.

Substituting at the girls' school - primarily for Suzuki teachers - but also for whoever... and only so many days a week because of my private students...

Next week for sure is my first assignment - looking forward to it!

Experiments in Food

I've recently learned about Spiral Diner, a vegan place in both Dallas and FW...and oh my goodness is it delicious!

I've decided if I were wealthy enough to have a personal chef/nutritionist, I could be vegan.  It still seems like a lot of work to me - especially in the area of getting enough protein (which I've discovered I really need) and also is it a healthy enough overall diet for children...

I'm also not a huge fan of soy or tofu... partially b/c of flavor/taste/texture...but also that whole thing about soy mimicking estrogen thing kind of worries me if i were to begin consuming it en masse.


For awhile, I've wondered about sardines. You know, the kind you get in the tin at the grocery store.

I wonder no more.


I put together what could have been a very tasty dish - involving barley, sardine, avocado, homemade vinaigrette, olives...

took one bite...

spit it out and dumped it in the trash.

I hate wasting food, but I hate feeling like i'm going to throw up that food even more.

Oh well.

I ended up having guacamole, chips, carrots, and ham for lunch. Sort of healthy, less adventurous, but MUCH tastier.

I'm still shuddering over the sardines...

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School

The first day of school was fabulous for the kids.  Pictures on facebook if you're interested.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What a Mess


We're having plumbing issues.

I have a lot of towels.

All of those towels are now wet.


City is coming out sometime today to check the sewer line.

Plumber is coming tomorrow morning.

Because the only thing better than one plumbing problem is the potential of TWO plumbing problems.


Final Countdown

Just a few more days until school starts. Weeeee!

Tonight is Meet the Teacher.  We got the official calls on Tuesday, and I am thrilled with who both girls have for this next year. Hooray!

Last night, I checked in with R because I heard her crying. I assumed the kids were fighting, so with some exasperation in my voice, I asked what was wrong.

"I just want to know what Tiger used to look like because I can't remember"...Waaaaaah.

Tiger is her beloved stuffy.  She still has him.  She has loved him into an unrecognizable lump of his former self.  Why in the world this came up I have no idea. She was heartbroken.

I told her I didn't have any pictures, and she finally calmed down.

Later last night, I spent at least an hour looking not only through all her blog posts from her first 2 years (and only 1 tiger picture to be found in the whole lot), but also searching online to figure out what the brand name was, etc... to see if i could find a good picture of the animal.  Zero luck. Grr.

Other than the emotional traumas of growing up, things are going well. We've spent this last week practicing the new earlier bed time and the new morning routines. How fun to wake up at 6am. Needless to say, I have not been going to bed early. Oh well.

Bags and such are labeled. New clothes are sorted and hung up.  New socks put in the drawer.

We're ready to go!

(check back in on Monday for the "how much did i cry" update)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The End of Summer

Summer is fast coming to a close... just under 3 weeks until school starts.  I can't believe my "baby" is already big enough to go...AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

For the last 2 1/2 weeks, both kids have been saying that they are ready for school.



All back-to-school clothes, supplies, shoes, socks, backpacks, etc... have been purchased and are waiting to be used.

A little break this week while the kids are at granny's... I still have some students, but free time is available.

Why, just today, we went to see the Hunger Games (finally) at the dollar theater. I've been waiting a LONG time to see it (as i enjoyed the books), and was very pleased with it.  The spouse was given a no-snark-during-movie rule, for which I was grateful.

Nothing too big on the radar in the next couple of weeks...just the countdown to school.  YAY!!!!

and yes, I will probably cry...but hopefully not in front of them so as not to lessen their excitement and exuberance.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Summer has been busy with teaching, Suzuki camp, etc...

Camp was lots of fun (pictures on facebook), and a good learning experience for all of us - not just learning about how to play the violin, but for me, learning how to be a better parent.

I was also inspired to finally teach the girls piano. They've been asking for awhile, and it was my own laziness that said no... but for a variety of reasons, I decided I was ready. *sigh*  They're very excited about it (for now), and very good about practicing...but they're not allowed to practice piano until they're done with violin ;)  so that has been a GREAT motivator.

I've been tinkering a lot in regards to some of my physical issues (as we'll delicately call them) - and  I feel like maybe I've gotten to a good place with that.

I'm also excited b/c my SIL is almost completed with her massage therapy training, and the plan is for her to do some work on me. Hooray! She's very good at what she does, and I think it helps me a lot.

Steve and I went to the Kimbell art museum yesterday - free Bluebell ice cream and free exhibit - then walked to the Amon Carter - free exhibit - then went to the Omni on IMax and saw a documentary about coral reefs...when we got out of the movie, it was POURING rain...and we had about a 1/2 mile to walk back to the car (on which the windows were partially down).  By the time we got back to the car, I was sporting the Tammy Faye Baker look (hey, it was a special date outing for us, so i put on mascara...not water-proof though), and had to wring water out of my hair before getting in the car.  It was a fun adventure.

You know, movies make walking in the rain with your loved one look so romantic, but really, you just get soaked.  We didn't want to run and frolic, and then slip and break something :) it was just a leisurely walk in torrential rains.

Enjoying some time while the girls are visiting the grandparents - running errands, price comparing on backpacks (R will be in kindergarten - aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh), etc...

Really enjoying teaching, and have been happy to pick up a couple of my "own" students in addition to the summer teaching - hopeful for some opportunities going into the school year.

And that's life.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012


We went blueberry picking today. It was a lot of fun.

Summer teaching is in full swing, and I'm really enjoying it. It's so different than when I taught school (which kind of goes without saying).

Lots o' violin this summer...gearing up for summer music camp with the girls - I'm really looking forward to it. :)

Also thinking ahead to December - it will be our 10th anniversary (!) and thinking about what our plans will be. Whatever it is, I plan on paying cash for it.

Another excitement is the procurement of a second fridge (thanks gram and paka!) that is now in the garage.  SO MUCH STORAGE SPACE. MUST COOK SOMETHING NOW.


Friday, June 1, 2012


Let's see, it seems like life has been very busy lately, but since I haven't blogged it here, not sure what's happened. Haha.'s out, so lots of running to swimming lessons, etc...

Summer teaching for me starts next week (!!!).  Working on maintaining a clean house now.  Taking advantage of the fact that the kids think dusting and glass cleaning is fun right now...

Hmm...lots of time hanging with friends, having play dates for the kids, etc...

I've started walking with a neighbor several evenings a week - hasn't killed me yet - we average 2 miles on our walk, and seem to have a brisk pace... so that's good.

Getting ready to celebrate R's birthday in 10 days. AAAAHHHHH. As you can imagine, there will be much humming of "sunrise sunset" during various birthday festivities.

So yep. There have been other notable life experiences, etc...but not all are blog-worthy or blog-appropriate.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day Extravaganza

I hosted a Mother's Day lunch today for my moms and a couple of friends. Fun was had by all.

Here is a picture of me and my moms

Yesterday, I became super woman in the kitchen, furiously multi-tasking with amazing soup, chopping fruit, baking tarts, you name it...

While I cooked, R dusted (once she figured out which way to aim the Pledge..haha).

This morning, I was up at 7, figured I might as well finish cleaning - vacuumed, did the dishwasher, etc...

Prepped some more...went to R's tiny violin recital (super cute and awesome), came home, cooked, finished setting up the table..

Friends arrived (moms were already here for recital), ate lots of food, enjoyed conversation, cleaned with amazing speed and awesomeness on my part ;)

Girls entertained with violins all on their own (i was totally not like that as a kid, but they love to perform)

Then W was taken to a birthday party...guests left...Mom made me practice violin for upcoming concert at the facility for GM...

Short nap...finished cleaning...went to birthday party to get Willow...then to mall..

Then home.

Then realized "Chimpanzee" the movie was starting in 20 minutes...grabbed girls, ran out the door, hustled thru the mall...made it just in time for previews...

Enjoyed movie.

Came home.

Doing laundry (I don't want to do ANY work tomorrow...I'm going to milk actual mother's day for what it's worth)

And now, behold the glory of the:

Mother's Day Lunch Menu
(made easy with my best friend the mandolin...the cooking tool, not the instrument)

Sparkling lemonade
Sparkling raspberry limeade
Lemon water

Tomato and ham on puff pastry topped with parmesan
Asparagus bisque
Pecan stuffed dates wrapped in bacon
Crackers topped with cucumber, smoked salmon, and sour cream
Fruit salad - orange, apple, strawberry, blackberry, pineapple
Dill pickles

Cream puffs filled with coconut cream
Cream puffs filled with chocolate cream
Shortbread tarts topped with lemony cream cheese and blueberries

Friday, April 27, 2012

Birthday Party

Earlier in the week, I was having a blah kind of evening. It was after dinner. The girls were playing outside. I was resting and being a couch potato (or a bed potato? since I was in my room watching TV - whatever).

Rose came in with a small beach ball. "Mommy, tie a ribbon on this"

Ok. Whatever.

Then, they both walk by the room calling out, "hey Mommy, come outside with us!"

I said no, I was resting, they headed on outside and played for awhile.

I thought of something to tell Steve, so I went to the garage to tell him. I mention that I've just noticed that the girls have taken a lot of toys outside.

"They're throwing you a birthday party"

Oh. Whoops. Parent fail.

So I go outside, and they've set up a ring of chairs and doll chairs, with dolls and stuffed animals sitting in the circle.  In the middle is our little outdoor side table covered in leaves and white rocks with a little owl sitting on it. (like a nest) Around the  little table is a circle of leaves and white rocks.

The beach ball is tied to a basket. It's the birthday "balloon".

So I sit down to enjoy my birthday party. They play their Tinkerbell music box thing for me, and then Willow runs to get Steve...b/c they want us to slow dance to the Tinkerbell music so we can be romantic. (or whoa-mantic as the one kid pronounces it)

So we slow dance to Tinkerbell music, and then have a smooch for their benefit :) Haha.

Needless to say, my heart was full.

It was also one of the only times all week when they weren't fighting with each other - they just need more common goals i guess ;)

Happy Birthday

Yes, it's that time of year once again.  My birthday. Weee.

We're going out tonight for dinner, so that will be fun. Nothing particularly special today, lesson, visit at the facility with GM, errands, lunch with the kid at school, lunch for me from Chik-fil-a (yum), be a bum...clean house b/c we're hosting group class in the morning...errands, pick the kid up from school...resting again...

I do plan on doing something self-centered tomorrow. The Japanese Garden in FW is having a thing, and I'd love to go to that...but it might be hot (commence whining)...or I may just go shopping with my bday money :) haha.

In honor of my birthday, I weighed myself, and I am officially (for today at least) 20 pounds less than when we left PA 3 years ago. Crazy.  But that was a nice little know, since I'm an old woman in my mid-30's now. Haha.

Some plans in the works for me for this summer...looks like I'll be teaching again...interesting how things come about, how they steamroll, and where they lead, only God knows. And then to think that it's been 9 years since I taught in school. How am I that old??? AAAAAAHHHHH.  Been going through a lot of feelings this week in regards to recognizing abilities, bla bla bla, how do I want to define myself, where is my passion...still working on it, but possibly, and i say POSSIBLY, maybe allowing that teaching music MIGHT be where I'm willing to go gung-ho...and not just b/c I can or it's what I do well, but b/c I have a desire to do it.

Now, I'm not meaning in the naval-gazing-woe-is-me-1st-world-problems-get-a-job-already type stuff, but like really, what do I want to do as I look at the girls getting older, etc...

I definitely still want to be the "stay at home" mom, but when they are both in school, what are my options for private teaching during the day? exploring that. how much time do i want to commit to teaching after school when the kids are finally home...where are the boundaries...i want to be able to help them with homework, help them practice, be able to make dinner, etc...

So that's where I'm at with that, just contemplating the possibilities...praying too...

So it will be interesting to see what doors are opened and what doors are shut.

You know, for awhile, i thought maybe I'd want to pursue something in the medical field (orderly, aide, whatever)...but I kind of feel like that itch has been scratched, and to a moderate degree, I'm still doing that.

So yes, happy birthday to me :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Food and Exercise

So that spin class I'm taking? Apparently it uses all the muscles I haven't used in previous exercise.  It seems to be getting harder, not easier.

The other ladies in the class are pumping away at a level, I'm struggling at level 1.  I don't feel "bad" about that b/c I know i'm not in the same shape they are, etc... bla bla bla.

I've really been stumped this week what to make for book club dessert.  I've flipped through magazines, browsed websites, toyed with a few ideas, but nothing was speaking to me.

During spin class, I thought to myself "man, i'm a cream puff compared to these ladies"....and then ..."hey, i can make cream puffs for book club!"

problem solved.

i have an easy recipe from everyday food magazine - i made these cream puffs a year or two ago (don't remember). then they are filled with a fruity whipped cream. i've got some delicious strawberry preserves from a local bla bla bla that i'm going to use with the whipped cream for the filling.


I'll be making these tomorrow. That way, if they bite the big one (hahahaha) then i have time to either (a) make something else or (b) buy something on the way there.

I'm going to be 34 in 10 days. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. I mean, that's almost 35, which is like, the mid-30's. haha.


in other news, i made a tasty dinner.  i did some regular white rice in the rice cooker. i threw in some chili powder, cumin, and garlic powder into the water and rice and let it steam together. it gives it a light flavor without adding calories - not quite a spanish rice or anything, but better than just plain white rice. you should experiment with spices you like and see what you come up with.

then, in my smaller soup pot, i sauteed an onion and some garlic in olive oil. then i added a can of rinsed chickpeas, 1 chicken breast cut into small pieces, a bit of chipotle sauce (maybe a couple of tbsp?), some tomato paste - almost a whole can, and then some chicken stock so things wouldn't stick. then i threw in some mexican oregano and a bay leaf. once it was boiling, i reduced to a simmer and cooked for about an hour and a half.


so the chickpea/chicken mixture (and this would have totally worked without the chicken) was served atop the rice, and garnished with sharp cheddar, cilantro, and sour cream.

easy and healthy. at least i think it was healthy :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I'm making this for book club tomorrow night.

 Here's a video of W with her "BFF" who has quite the internet following.

Day to day, not much going on.

I'm taking a spin class, which is TOTALLY kicking my hiney. Oy.

 We go every day to the facility to see GM, and R has become quite the belle of the place. I appreciate that R can take it all in stride.

 When I decided not to blog about the kids here as much, it kind of took away anything for me to talk about. Ha! So food and exercise and housewifery it is.

Friday, March 23, 2012


So I made a pesto the other day... if by pesto, I mean throw a bunch of stuff in the blender and hope for the best... so I had some curly kale...threw that in. had some curly parsley...threw than in. had a small amount of basil (but enough)...threw that in. no pine nuts, but there were some walnuts in the freezer...why not! threw that in. garlic, salt, olive oil, parmesan it actually turned out pretty good. we've had it a few times now on pasta - i think for the last bit of it, i'm going to make some pizza dough and put it on that. yum! (but don't tell Steve or the kids) ;)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Catching Up

Realized it's been almost a month since I posted here...but the main things going on are things I don't blog about here, so I'm not left with much else to say :) Um...the girls had a trophy festival for violin, and did great jobs. W won a scholarship for Suzuki camp (yay!) Spring break was fun and relaxing. I made a flourless chocolate hazlenut cake, topped with whipped cream and hazlenut pralines (book club) Then I made a strawberry orange shortcake tart (book club) And...that's it. :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Day in the Life...

the 12 yr old working at McDonald's (b/c all people younger than me get classified as 12 now) pointed out that I seemed like I was in a bad mood (which I wasn't) - but if I was, I know I'd want to confide in that kid and/or have my bad mood pointed out to me....(grrr) I threw out a "I'm really hungry" kind of comment...b/c saying "oh, I often come across as unfriendly, but I'm really great when you get to know me" just seemed to personal for ordering happy meals...

Monday, February 20, 2012


Today - 7.5 miles on level 10 in 29 minutes.


i followed that up by making these...and i shall not reveal how much of the filling i tested...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Follow Up

Today, in spite of myself, I did 7 miles in 33 minutes (so I feel that's a slightly faster pace than yesterday) at level 8.

Oh yeah.

Of course, I don't have exercise plans until next Monday. haha.  I may try to do an exercise tape or something in the meantime.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Exercise Blehxercise

I have two mornings a week when I really don't have an excuse not to exercise.

Yay. How fun.

As I've mentioned before, I really enjoy the couch to 5k running program, but every time I've tried, I end up hurting the same foot in different ways.  Oh well.

I've also tried both the recumbent bike and the elliptical machine...I found the calorie burn to basically be the same, but more foot issues (and also feeling dizzy issues) on the elliptical...

So basically I've settled on the old lady recumbent bike as my vehicle of torture.

Last week, I set the timer on it for 40 minutes...I reached my 5 miles (at level 6) previously, so last week, once I reached 5 miles (at level 7), I kept going until time was up.  I made it to 8 miles! Holy moly!  I read for some of that, but then finally put the book down, listened to my music, and just pushed through. That's a first for me...  When I got home, I mowed the yard. Super woman!

Today I was prepared. I imported a bunch of CD's, thinking how holy it would be to listen to worship music and think on God  during my exercise time...I set the timer for 60 minutes (!!!).  I pedaled at level 7.


I find I'm bothered if I don't pedal in time to the definitely sets the pace for me.  I learned today that the tempo of the bluegrass I had was TOO fast...but it was still fun.  I actually found some of the Vineyard Hungry CD to be just right - even tho' the song itself was a "slow" one, the actual beat to it was not so much...perfect pace.  But really I just love exercising to Mumford and Sons... I did read for about the first 25 minutes, but the rest was me with my eyes closed...I'm sure I looked crazy to all the old people in there with me :) Haha.

My final total? 1 hour at level 7 and TWELVE miles.

I feel like a rock the sense that I'm worn out and can't move...only not from drug or alcohol abuse...just recumbent bike abuse. haha.  (ok. that was a thin joke...oh well...i'm tired)

Tomorrow is my other "day to exercise b/c i've got nothing better to do during that time" so we'll see. I'm not going to try to repeat today's glory..I plan on taking it a little easier..but I also plan to see what I can do :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Glorious Chickpea

I've had hummus before, but haven't paid much attention to it.

I picked some up on clearance the other day, and it was delicious. What surprised me was how low calorie it was for how filling it was.

Eating a bunch of raw veggies does not normally do much for me, but with the richness (to me) of the hummus, it actually makes for a satisfying lunch or light dinner. Who knew (probably most of the Mediterranean, but whatever).

So I made some today for myself. I was pleased with how it turned out.  I took a recipe from Rema that she got online, and sort of remembered it...

2 cans chickpeas -reserve 1/2 cup liquid from can (i ended up using all of the reserved liquid)
2 tbsp tahini
1 tbsp olive oil
2 garlic cloves
lemon juice to taste - i just squeezed a lot out of the bottle, didn't measure
salt and pepper to taste

(and I went with these measurements to keep it lower calorie - i think it would normally have more tahini and olive oil in it)

I don't know how my version compares to the "real" thing, but I thought it turned out quite tasty.  Next go around, I might add the roasted peppers I have in the freezer.

What I must remember is that I do not have the world's greatest food processor, and should have put the garlic through first...oh well...

Even the girls like it. I'd rather R dip carrots in hummus than ketchup (blech). W also enjoyed dipping her pringles in the leftover hummus on her plate.

Since I was on a chickpea roll, I decided to try this recipe for chocolate chip cookie dough dip

OMG. It was so tasty.  I heartily recommend this recipe. I used brown sugar, natural peanut butter, and coconut milk (b/c that's what i had on hand).


Even the girls liked it. Yay!  We talk a lot about eating healthy, and so they thought it was fun that this sweet treat was healthy.

I mean, yes there's brown sugar in it...but I'd rather they eat this than a little debbie snack cake.

So here's to the chickpea, nature's blandest bean (or whatever the heck it is).

Of course, when I was talking to my mom on the phone about this recipe, I mentioned that there was a certain chickpea-ness to the flavor...(wait for it...wait for it...) ...and then i spent the next couple of minutes snickering to myself....


on another food note - we've always known that R has milk issues...and that W and I seem to have different issues related to not going dairy free - still using butter, yogurt, and cheese - but trying to incorporate other milks (like coconut or rice) into the diet more for all of us.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Ideas

I'm definitely an omnivore. I love veggies and all, but it's hard to imagine life without animal products...I mean, I guess I could go meatless, but it's hard to imagine going butterless, yogurtless, etc...

and I don't have any interest in exploring the virtues of tofu, thank you very much.

anyway, in my perusings, i came across this blog.  now, this is a vegan blog, which seems to focus primarily on desserts...

ok. i'm willing to try.

and really, the reason i'm willing to try is i love the photography of the makes it look so delicious.

so far i've tried fudge babies.  I thought they were delicious.  i actually made mine with hazlenuts, which gave it a definite nutella-ish flavor (and i used them b/c for some reason, i have a ton of them in my freezer)...i think i would like it with the walnuts better, but that'll have to wait.  in the meantime, delicious! i also added a touch of honey b/c my mixture seemed kind of dry - this could be b/c of the less than awesomeness of my food processor.

then i made the chocolate frosting mousse.  it was super delicious, but mine was not thick at all. she talks a lot about the coconut milk, so for my first time out, i'll chalk it up to that. i called it chocolate soup and it was still super delicious.

my last attempt yesterday was the single serving one minute chocolate cake.  i used regular sugar, white flour, and the leftover coconut milk that i had on hand...this was SUPER tasty - i topped it with a little of the chocolate soup i made :) and it was wonderful. WONDERFUL.

i'm looking forward to trying more of these recipes. i know they aren't low in calorie, so i'm not going to go crazy with it, but i do like that the ingredients are so much better than say those in a little debbie snack cake.

here's to chocolate!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I've successfully made french bread. It was relatively easy, and turned out really well.  Here's the recipe I used if you're interested.

I'm mid process of making coconut cream cupcakes - the cupcakes have turned out well, and I'll do the finishing touches tomorrow.

And it's all thanks to my kitchen aid :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Road From Over-Consumption

So awhile back, I started using this website to track my calories.

Tracking calories is not fun. It is very tedious work...especially since I cook most of our food from scratch...

I'm not even worrying about other health issues, like fat or what vitamins I'm getting...just the calories.

On, I have it set to consume the calories that would allow me to lose 1 lb. a week..

Surprisingly, that's very doable.

not surprisingly, I like to eat large portions many times through the day. it's an adjustment...pasta and rice are figuring less in my daily diet than before, which has been kind of hard...

It's been an interesting journey - like, I can eat all the veggies I want until i feel like puking, or i can have one tiny reese's peanut butter cup :)

It's also more incentive for me to exercise - like, if i exercise, then i "earn" those extra calories (rather than the reverse of, i ate that dessert, now i "have" to exercise)

So far, I've lost about 7 pounds.

Which means that from 3 years ago, when I went to the rhuematologist, I've lost 15 pounds.  That's just crazy to me. Mainly because when i look in the mirror, I still see the same person.  I was happier with my Christmas picture this year though, so i must have lost the weight from my chin. hahaha.

Anyway, that's where I'm at.  I've gotten back into the exercise routine while R is at pre-K.  I of course injured my foot again while running - and even though i really loved it, i may have to accept for now that running is not for me.  Recumbent bicycle it is...

Friday, January 6, 2012


So I made popovers the other day - it was relatively easy, and tasted right.  Only difference was I made it in a muffin tin, not a popover tin...I think this played a part in the end result shape.

R took a bite and said "yum! these are like what we had at that fancy place with granny"

hooray! my 4 yr old thought they tasted like the popovers at nordstronm's :)  i take that as a success.

of course, i am now greatly inspired now to get a popover tin..but all in good time