Sunday, October 7, 2012

Food Stuff

I'll spare you the details...but through a series of events and happenings, I decided to try going gluten and dairy free (the realizations came at different times, but it was the end result) because of my issues.

So far so good.  I think I see an improvement in my issues...but time will tell... and the dairy and gluten may not be the root of my problem at all...but if they are, the only way to know for sure is to eliminate them from my diet.

instead of feeling glum at all the things i can't eat (i'm looking at you chicken n' dumplings, pot pie, and pizza) i'm choosing to see it as a challenge and adventure as to what i can eat.

and really, there is still so much to eat. whole foods. some junk food. the thing i need to be careful about is the snacking and the desserts. so i'm discovering new recipes, new things about cooking, and it's interesting (to me).

one thing i've discovered is that i have to be careful about eating raw almonds. almond milk and almond meal seem ok...but if i do both of those and then also eat raw almonds, then i have a reaction.

i'm also trying to avoid the GF products in the grocery store (for the most part).  from what i've read and heard, they're not necessarily healthier, and they can be $$$.

but then i learned that mexican cuisine is largely GF naturally since corn is the hello cheese-less enchiladas!

and it seems that most asian cuisine is GF - if i'm careful about soy sauce (which has wheat in, why?) - but i've got my Bragg's Liquid Aminos, and while it's not exactly the same, it's a good substitute.

So. Bla bla bla. (hey, there's a reason this is called the mundane)

Now i've gone and made myself hungry.