Monday, July 16, 2012


Summer has been busy with teaching, Suzuki camp, etc...

Camp was lots of fun (pictures on facebook), and a good learning experience for all of us - not just learning about how to play the violin, but for me, learning how to be a better parent.

I was also inspired to finally teach the girls piano. They've been asking for awhile, and it was my own laziness that said no... but for a variety of reasons, I decided I was ready. *sigh*  They're very excited about it (for now), and very good about practicing...but they're not allowed to practice piano until they're done with violin ;)  so that has been a GREAT motivator.

I've been tinkering a lot in regards to some of my physical issues (as we'll delicately call them) - and  I feel like maybe I've gotten to a good place with that.

I'm also excited b/c my SIL is almost completed with her massage therapy training, and the plan is for her to do some work on me. Hooray! She's very good at what she does, and I think it helps me a lot.

Steve and I went to the Kimbell art museum yesterday - free Bluebell ice cream and free exhibit - then walked to the Amon Carter - free exhibit - then went to the Omni on IMax and saw a documentary about coral reefs...when we got out of the movie, it was POURING rain...and we had about a 1/2 mile to walk back to the car (on which the windows were partially down).  By the time we got back to the car, I was sporting the Tammy Faye Baker look (hey, it was a special date outing for us, so i put on mascara...not water-proof though), and had to wring water out of my hair before getting in the car.  It was a fun adventure.

You know, movies make walking in the rain with your loved one look so romantic, but really, you just get soaked.  We didn't want to run and frolic, and then slip and break something :) it was just a leisurely walk in torrential rains.

Enjoying some time while the girls are visiting the grandparents - running errands, price comparing on backpacks (R will be in kindergarten - aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh), etc...

Really enjoying teaching, and have been happy to pick up a couple of my "own" students in addition to the summer teaching - hopeful for some opportunities going into the school year.

And that's life.