Sunday, June 24, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012


We went blueberry picking today. It was a lot of fun.

Summer teaching is in full swing, and I'm really enjoying it. It's so different than when I taught school (which kind of goes without saying).

Lots o' violin this summer...gearing up for summer music camp with the girls - I'm really looking forward to it. :)

Also thinking ahead to December - it will be our 10th anniversary (!) and thinking about what our plans will be. Whatever it is, I plan on paying cash for it.

Another excitement is the procurement of a second fridge (thanks gram and paka!) that is now in the garage.  SO MUCH STORAGE SPACE. MUST COOK SOMETHING NOW.


Friday, June 1, 2012


Let's see, it seems like life has been very busy lately, but since I haven't blogged it here, not sure what's happened. Haha.'s out, so lots of running to swimming lessons, etc...

Summer teaching for me starts next week (!!!).  Working on maintaining a clean house now.  Taking advantage of the fact that the kids think dusting and glass cleaning is fun right now...

Hmm...lots of time hanging with friends, having play dates for the kids, etc...

I've started walking with a neighbor several evenings a week - hasn't killed me yet - we average 2 miles on our walk, and seem to have a brisk pace... so that's good.

Getting ready to celebrate R's birthday in 10 days. AAAAHHHHH. As you can imagine, there will be much humming of "sunrise sunset" during various birthday festivities.

So yep. There have been other notable life experiences, etc...but not all are blog-worthy or blog-appropriate.